Monday, July 7, 2008


For all the wonders we have seen in Mexico, one of the most awesome is easily the nesting grounds of the Monarch Butterfly. These amazing little creatures migrate over 1800 miles from the US to only 12 mountain peaks in Central Mexico.

If you know us, you know this would be something we have to see. So we took the trip to Valle de Bravo. Driving down the road there were police and signs telling you to slow down. For the first time in all my driving in Mexico, people were actually following directions. We soon discovered why, the road ahead was blanketed by flying butterflies. You could not look in any direction and NOT see them.We stopped in a little dirt siding and were immediately offered horse and guide services.
While Mexico has some fine horses, these were not them. But the guides seemed nice enough, we paid our money and began the hike up hill. I say hike because of my horse allergy and my strong desire not to look like Hitch after he ate shellfish, I got to walk. That was not so fun as the trail was what we like to call Mexican moondust. It is dirt so fine that it puffs into clouds at the drop of a boot. 5 horses make a moon dust cloud that may kills small mammals. After 30 minutes strait up hill, your author was about DONE. Mercifully they left the horses and walked the final quarter mile of so to the trees.
Nothing I can say could prepare you for the sight or the sound. Imagine the softest slightest tapping/brushing sound you can and play it in your mind 1000 times a second. The audible noise of butterfly wings flying all around, soft and subtle, yet filling the air completely. And then to gaze out and see more butterflies than you could count in a year. Everywhere, clouds of them. Then in the trees you see clumps of something... more gathered together, hanging off each other. I have done a lot of things in my life, but this is a life experience I will never forget and highly recommend.

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